Lipiec 2010
- Katie Holmes debuted a brand new hairdo at the premiere of "The Extra Man" last night in the East Village of New York. We really didn't love anything about this look for her and the stripey dress was pretty underwhelming for us. We think Stephanie Pratt and Sean Lennon's girlfriend Kemp Muhl totally stole the show with their fashion choices. What do you think?
- Wakacje to idealny czas na przeczytanie dobrej książki. Ciekawa lektura sprawdzi się zarówno na plaży, jak i w czasie nudy. Postanowiłam polecić Wam kilka egzemplarzy.
- Wiele z nas, na co dzień pewnie chodzi w dżinsach, t-shircie i w spiętych gumką włosach, czas to zmienić, są wakacje, zaszalejmy. Pomyślcie co, oprócz dżinsów lubicie nosić, znajdźcie swój styl.
- The premiere for Angelina Jolie's new summer blockbuster action movie Salt happened last night in Hollywood.
- A few weeks ago we had one of the most incredible fashion events, the Couture fashion shows, in Paris. So I chose 3 Fashion Shows to show you what I liked, and what I didn't.
THE BEST: My favourite collection was definitly Christian Dior by John Galliano. John presented a magical fashion show full of colors and extravagant dresses. What I like the most is that he never looses his essence, or Dior's (with New Look structured dresses). My favourite couture pieces of the season were these amazing sandals. I want one of each color NOW (tip for Stardoll)! Other "best" collections: Givenchy, Jean Paul Gaultier and Elie Saab.
- Zanim wyruszymy na wakacyjną przygodę, warto zaopatrzyć się w kilka modnych ciuchów. Lato to czas wyjazdów głównie nad morze, a morze kojarzy się z czym? Jasne, że z marynarzami.
- Gorgeous girl Demi Lovato performed for hundreds of fans at the Glendale Galleria in California yesterday.
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