- Taylor Swift is visiting London right now, and while being in the capital, Taylor made sure to visit the London Zoo! She got a private tour of the zoo, that must have been amazing!
- Being a celebrity means you get alot of free stuff. Free designer dresses, makeup, couture jewelry, basically everything we dream about on a daily basis! But as you guys know, nothing is ever really "free." So how much does it cost to send someone like Charlize Theron down the red carpet looking stellar? Click on the pics to find out! (nymag)
- We love watching celebs on the red carpet, what they're wearing, their shoes, hair, everything! But one small thing that could make or break an outfit is the jewellry. Here's a pick of some of the trendiest jewellery from the red carpet.
- For the last couple of years the music world has served us some amazing collaborations between huge artists. Justin Timberlake and Madonna saved the world in four minutes, Lady Gaga and Beyonce made the telephone fiercer than ever, and Justin Bieber and Chris Brown are planning a collection album in the near future. But we don’t think the best music collaborations have been done yet. What about one between Katy Perry and Rihanna, we think it would be a major success! Here are the collaborations we wish would happen in a near future!
- Do you remember such lines as "U got it dude" and "Have mercy"? Yeah, we do too! We loved the TV series "Full House" with cute Michelle and crush-worthy Uncle Jesse! Now it has been 17 years since the show ended and we still miss it! Click on the pics and check out what happened to the cast after the show!
- Parting your hair down the middle is such a great look. We love how retro yet fresh it looks, and it works for any type of hair: blonde, brunette, short, long, curly, straight! Click on the pics to see our favorite celebs who prefer the middle.
- Spotted! Katherine Heigl rocking a glittery coat and a cute, purple dress. And she's also wearing the same shoes as Blake Lively wore on Gossip Girl. Copycat! But for once she looks great!
- Lady Gaga is an outspoken advocate for gay rights and the It Gets Better Project, and yesterday she flooded her Twitter and Facebook with praises for a homemade “Hair” music video posted on YouTube! The video is simply created for saying no matter gay or not - we were born this way! She said “This is so AMAZING #HairMusicVideo you guys did such an amazing job for #ItGetsBetter. The Choreo! I died!” Well these guys managed to really make her proud and at the same time do a good deed! Can you imagine getting credit from Gaga herself? We are impressed! Check it out!
STARDOLL IS PROUD TO SUPPORT ANTI-BULLYING! Check out Stardoll's 2010's BeatBullying contest to see more inspiring thoughts and ideas on how to fight bullying!
AND be sure to look for more anti-bullying campaigns on the site this year. We know that together we can keep making Stardoll a fun friendly place for everyone!
- Jason Wu is releasing his line for the mega store, Target, and many A-List stars showed up to support him. We spotted Blake Lively, Chloe Moretz, and Jaime King. We loved what Blake wore, but think that Chloe's style is unbeatable! Click on the pics to see more.
- Leonardo Di Caprio is now giving his fans the chance to party with him at one of his upcoming movie premieres! The fan who's bidding the highest amount of money at Charity Buzz will receive passes to the afterparty and the chance to meet Leo himself, how cool?! The winner will not only get to meet a distinguished actor, but he or she will also be making the world a better place because all the money will go to benefit Sean Penn's Haiti charity! Well, we thin it sounds like a good deal! (contacmusic.com)