

They're Friends Jim, As We Know Them.

99 måneder siden

You may or may not have picked up on the semi-explicit reference to the original Star Trek series where Spock says "It's life, Jim, but not as we know it". Suprisingly, the play on title actually has relevance, since I am going to talk about the kinds of friends you might know or even meet on the vast (space-like) internet. So, let's get this blog into warp drive...

Friend #1: The Gossiper

This friend always knows what's going on. Somehow, they seem to have connections in higher places because they seem to know what's ending before it even started. This friend always keeps the conversation lively!

Friend #2: The Drama

This friend is always caught up in a crisis or something notifiable is going on - 24/7. At some point, even you will probably become this friend. A noteworthy point is that, if you are friends with someone like 'The Drama', they are trusting you by confiding in you!

Friend #3: The Candy

This friend is always on the cusp of giving you a (figurative) cavity because they are so sweet.

Friend #4: The Totez BFFL

This friend is amaze. Omg, they r just so fab u can't even comprehend m8. Sometimes you may not understand half the txt language, abbreviations and meaning behind the emoticons they use, but it is always a learning curve.

 No matter who you are (or are not), a true friend loves you for who you are. To all my friends, I'd never "beam up" without you.

- Snerfy



