

Club Competition Etiquette

93 måneder siden

Club competitions are really fun - so many fun challenges to do and prizes to win! I like to check out different clubs' competitions once in a while, but lately I've been doing so less and less, partly because of the negative attitudes of some other competitors. A lot of people become very aggressive and rude in order to win, which takes away from the spirit of the contest. I thought I might go over a few guidelines for participating in club competitions so everyone can enjoy them!


1. Take a step back. You're there to participate in the competition, not to be the referee. If you see someone breaking the rules or being unfair, you can definitely point it out to the doll in charge of the competition, but you don't need to send hateful messages or go to extreme measures. The owner and managers of the club will take care of that for you.


2. Do your best! Focus on what you can do to to increase your chances of winning instead of tearing others down. Make some cool outfits in that scenery, comment kindly and in a personal way in guestbooks, and encourage your fellow competitors! Even if you don't win, you can still say you enjoyed the experience.


 3. Have fun. Tying in with that last point, don't take the competitions too seriously. Sure, it would be fun to win that Strike a Pose or wig, but you don't need it in order to be happy, right? At the end of the day, it's all a game, and it's not meant to stress you out or lead to hate.


What are your tips for club competitions on Stardoll?


Til next time!

Kat ♥

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