

Writing For The Soul

100 måneder siden

I love writing for many reasons, but one big reason is because writing can really help your mental health! If you're interested in using words and writing to help yourself, read on to find some ways you can do just that.

Your Feelings
Writing about your feelings can really help you get in touch with exactly how you feel and what makes you feel good or bad. This is especially helpful if you have a mental illness or get stressed a lot! I personally use writing multiple times daily to help me better understand my anxiety and eating disorder. This not only helps me deal with negative feelings, it also allows me to see trends in how I feel - which means I can begin to control some external factors to my problems.

Diary Writing
Writing a regular diary about your day can help you increase your capacity for communication, and can also open up a space for you to expore your mind further. It can also help you express your frustrations in a safe place instead of in a way that could hurt others! I usually use my blog if I want to diary something, but many people prefer to use a private diary where they can feel completely free.

Reducing Frustrations
I find that expressing my opinions in writing can often be much more effective than attempting to explain them to someone in real life. While in real life I often trip over my words, when I am writing I am able to edit the things I say to ensure they represent my views in the most accurate possible way! This can also help you with verbal communication skills by helping you practice grammar and vocabulary.

How does writing help you?


