

My Bucket List

126 måneder siden

Everyone has things they want to do within their lifetime, I wanted to share mine with you. Let me know yours in the comments, or your own blog if you don't have space!

In no particular order:

1. Visit New York and pay my respects at Ground Zero
2. Visit the Large Hadron Collider in CERN.
3. See the Northern Lights
4. Own a Chanel Handbag
5. Go to University and get myself a degree!
6. Win the lottery
7. Meet an A-list celebrity
8. Own a white cat and name it Marilyn
9. Learn to ride a bicycle
10. Get really good at Physics and cure somebody of cancer.
11. Do something truly altruistic.
12. Own a really comfortable sofa
13. Finally grow my hair to the length I want it

What's on your list?

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