In het Nederlands
- Since the day they became best friends at the Teen Vogue-office, Whitney Port's and Lauren Conrad's careers have developed side by side. Today both girls have left the reality show-life behind them. With their own brands, Lauren and Whitney now have their sights on being successful behind the cameras as designers. The dynamic between the two has changed too, a couple of years ago Lauren was the one who got the most attention but now Whitney has taken her spot in the limelight. While Lauren's style hasn't changed that much since The Hills, we've seen Whitney become a real fashionista. Question is, who's style do you like the most? Lauren's or Whitney's?
- Check out the second trailer for The Dark Knight Rises, the newest Batman movie. It looks awesome and dramatically dark! We are so excited and can't wait for the movie to hit theatres!
- Ook deze week heb ik weer een Suite gevonden die iedereen wel zou willen hebben. De Suite van beautyqueen1152 is zeker het bezoeken en onderzoeken waard!
- Ook de winnaars van de derde Adventwedstrijd zijn bekend. Voor deze wedstrijd heb ik jullie gevraagd je mooiste, grappigste of bijzonderste kerstherinnering te beschrijven. Hier kun je de leukste of ontroerendste anekdotes lezen!
Back in October, Mette.Stardoll and I asked our Royalty members to enter a special competition: to give me a photo makeover! We were thrilled by the number of responses - it was overwhelming and took us forever to go through all the entries.
After a lot of searching and reviewing (with help from all our Stardoll collegues) we finally narrowed it down to the twelve chosen winners. Read the rest of this post to see who won!
- We're so excited that Britney Spears is now engaged! Her long time boyfriend, Jason Trawick, popped the question last Thursday in Las Vegas! So what does the ring look like? Instead of a ridiculously huge ring (ahem, Kim Kardashian) Jason went for quality over quantity. It's a 3 carat diamond set in platinum with diamonds all around the band. Sounds gorgeous! And it should, because it cost $90,000!
We're really happy for BritBrit, she deserves the best and seems like Jason is not only smart but has Brit's best interest in mind. She needs that! Congrats again to Britney and Jason! (usmagazine)
- If there is one color that has made a comeback this year, it's hot pink! Whether it's a pair of pants, a dress, or simply a pair of heels this statement color will be hot all through 2012! Click on the pics to see celebs like Sarah Jessica Parker and Ashley Greene think pink!
- Khloe Kardashian was seen at her hubby, Lamar Odom's, pre-season basketball game. Lamar just started to play with the Dallas Mavericks, and we're happy to see that Khloe is there supporting him! What a great couple they are!
- We spotted Tom Cruise treating his daughter Suri Cruise to a fun day out at the entertainment complex Chelsea Piers in Manhattan, New York on Friday. Suri was as usual dolled up in high heels and a dress, and after a fun-filled but tiring day she was carried back to the car by Tom.
- Spotted! Daniel Craig outside the 'LIVE! with Kelly' studios, taking time to sign autographs for his fans. He's so nice!