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- Hey lezers, sorry dat het zo lang duurde voor het nieuwe deel :$ maar hij is er!! Het feest van Quinten is begonnen, en Lisanne wacht op Liam, zou hij nog komen??
- Ja het is zo ver, het is eindelijk zomer! Volgens de kalender is het natuurlijk al een tijdje zomer, maar nu zijn de temperaturen ook zomers. (En dat werd ook wel eens tijd ook toch?) Er komt zelf een hitte golf aan! :O Dat houdt in, 5 dagen 25 graden achter elkaar, waarvan 3 30 graden!!! (of hoger).
Want to get a twinkle effect on your doll? Or have it look just awesome? Then watch my video and you will get a funky/stylish doll just like the medoll in the video.
Make sure you view the whole video to get the same look. This video requires you to buy some eye shadow and other supplies. You can use different eye shadows if you don't have the same ones I have in my video.
- Happy One Direction month! Liam, Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Louis are 5 of the most popular boys on the planet at this very moment. Their charming personalities, good looks, and beautiful voices have put them on top of charts all over the world. Here is a little list explaing not only why 1D is so popular, but also why you should become a directioner :-)
- Hello, dollies! As you all know, the new school year is just around the corner! I'm sure many of you have the same mixed feelings about this as I do. You're torn between wanting to see all of your friends again and not wanting to wake up early each morning. Don't spend too much time on your hair and makeup each day, give yourself more time to catch up on your beaty rest! To make things easier on you, I've made this back to school makeup tutorial.
Hi readers, I`ve found another amazing doll who`s running for MSW after hours of searching - tattoosara!
Innovation, breakthroughs and sometimes even controversies, the following scientists have shaped and influenced our lives through their research and discoveries. Ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys - I present to you my list of top scientists of our time:
Does your mood constantly determine what you're going to wear that day? If so, you aren't alone. Many times I don't realize that instead of my mind choosing an outfit my mood does it. So I tested my mood, and I decided to record what I wore and how I felt that day I wore the outfit.
- He's handsome, British, and a GREAT singer. Who am I talking about? Yep, you guessed it!