- Gisteren was het eeuwenoude feest Halloween! All Hallow’s Eve is tot het heden geraakt, en het is nog altijd een prachtige traditie om 31 Oktober je griezeligste kleren uit de kast te halen, een zak of alternatief mee te doen naar buiten en met je beste vrienden gaan Trick or Treat-en! Hebben jullie dat ook gedaan? Ik wil graag weten wat jullie hebben gedaan, maar ik ga het van mij ook zeggen (duh!).
- This make-up tutorial will help you to achieve the perfect pretty in pink look to match your new gorgeous pink outfits.
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- Hallo iedereen, vanaf vandaag probeer ik elke week een trend uit te leggen en een stijltip daarbij te geven. Deze week: Turkoois en camel.
- Zoals beloofd ga ik verhalen over jullie Stardoll-leven publiceren. Hier het eerste verhaal, enjoy!
I came across a lot of great dolls this week and I'd love to feature them all but I can't so here were some that stood out!
- If you love, love, love fashion but would rather write about it than create it, then maybe you could be a fashion journalist. Fashion editors get to go to shows all over the world and see all the new collections before they are shown to anyone else.
Happy Halloween! I hope you all had a great day and I hope you get the chance to get a lot of candy! Halloween is that time of year to get dress up in something scary, or something that you wouldn't usually wear in public and go around the neighborhood collecting candy from your neighbors. I've been looking around Stardoll for some great costumes and I think I pretty great ones!
In my last blog I gave you the opportunity to feature in the starblog by showing me your Halloween style dolls or suite. There were a lot of great submissions but here are some of my favourites!
- Lots of people dream of becoming fashion designers - I love sketching new outfits and collecting clippings from my favourite magazines - but to be a really successful designer takes a lot of dedication and years of hard work.