
Yuletide Greetings! Part 3

144 maanden geleden

Pine Trees: These are the traditional trees we use for Christmas trees now (even though they aren't evergreen) in Celtic times the Pagan people used to bring Pine branches into their homes as it was said to have healing properties and brought joy. It was also burned as it's smoke was supposed to purify the home. Another reason people brought Pine trees into the home as Yuletide trees instead of Evergreen trees was because Pine is a symbol of rebirth and the Pagan people believed if they brought a tree into their homes it would keep the 'wood spirits' in the tree warm and after winter they hoped the wood spirits would repay them by ensuring a healthy harvest.

Candy Canes and Decorating Trees:  Trees were decorated with treats and food as the Germanic people believed this would feed the wood spirits in the Pine trees, they were also decorated to look nice and keep the wood spirits happy and entertained during Yule.

Wreaths: Circles are neverending and continuous so people made wreaths from evergreen branches and plants to try and ensure that the good fortune they people had been blessed with in the year before due to having a good harvest and surviving would continue into the next. It also symbolises the Wheel of Life.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and if you have any further questons feel free to contact me in my guestbook. Blessed Be!

Below is a quick little Christmassy/Yuletide photo to get you in the spirit!


