
Winter Festivals Part 5

146 maanden geleden

Yule: Yule, or Yuletide is rather similar to the Winter Solstice as it is very old, is a Pagan/Celtic festival, and their are no set rules to what you have to do during the period of the celebration. It is celebrated in the middle of winter, usually around the 25th of December. During this time period many thousands of years ago, people brought evergreen vegetation such as pine trees into their homes and did various rituals as life was hard back then and they were not sure if all of their family would live through the harsh winters, people would ask gods they worshipped for things they needed such as a good harvest the following year so they could feed their families and good weather. This festival is where we get our tradition of putting ‘Christmas’ trees, making wreaths, hanging up mistletoe and decorating the house with holly around this time - many of the Christmas traditions you might follow if you celebrate Christmas actually originate from Yule because they are both on the same day!

Bodhi Day: This is a Buddhist holidays and is supposed to be the day when Buddah found enlightenment by sitting under a tree and meditating until he found the root of suffering and how to stop himself feeling it. It is celebrated on the 8th of December and is known as The Day of Enlightenment and is a very important time in the Buddhist calendar.

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