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16 DAYS - Read Nyaradzayi´s

168 maanden geleden

1. Question: kenziegirl12345 “do men have the rights to be against violence to?”                          

Answer:  YES! men, women, boys, girls should all be against violence. No one has a right to make another person experience pain, hatred, anger or shame.


2. Question: giftogirl1998 ”is most voilance aganst women pysical?”

Answer: Most violence that can be seen is physical, like battering, rape, kicking, etc. However, many people suffer from pyschological and emotional violence. It is not seen, unless someone has acute depression or stress. There is also social violence, and discrimination.


3. Question: mscol4 ”what are the effects if a women tries to tell about what the man is doing to her?”

Answer: The first step in addressing violence it to tell the story. One gets power, strength and confidence from sharing. Most YWCAs like the YWCA in Princeton, Silicon Valley, Zambia, Canada, and other countries, have counsellors. If a woman or girl is able to tell what someone, or a man, is doing to her, she can be assisted and supported in finding a solution that puts an end to violence. By telling the story, she can get legal or medical help. Through her example, she can also encourage other women who may be afraid to tell with their stories. Breaking the silence on violence is of utmost importance.


4. Question: PerryWine ” Jos naista hakataan eikä hän uskalla kertoa siitä esim. poliisille? Mutta teille kertoo.. mitä te silloin teette? //If a woman is beaten and she is too afraid to tell the police, but she tells about it to you... what do you do?”                

Answer: If someone tells me her story, I will sit down with her and first make her feel confident and strong. I will first want to understand the nature of the violence, because some women and girls are even murdered, so that she can understand the importance of getting some protection and support. Together we will explore what options exist for her to reach a solution, while also keeping in mind that going to the police is also an option. In most countries beating someone is a crime. It is normal that a person who is experiencing violence carries a lot of fear - for herself, her family or children and her future. It is important to deal with this fear and it is important to feel safe while doing so.


5. Question: chanice6677 ”Hi, My name is Chanice, im 13 years old. i want to know, what got YOU inspired in standing up for whats right in women? and i want to let you know that YOU have inspired our school to set up a womens rights and respects program in south africa and our school here in canada, where we comare the rights and freedom, and if its not mesured up, we will stand up and take action so they have equal rights. thanks so much, for listening and standing up for what is right!”                 


Answer: Your story is an amazing story. I call it the solidarity of global measure! You inspire me with your school programme and the work in South Africa. Oh, you make me believe that tomorrow's women and girls will experience a better future. I grew up in rural Zimbabwe, and saw many women and girls struggling in their lives. In my professional life, I have met many women and girls who are raped, beaten and made to feel bad, sad, and that experience a lot of pain. I therefore told myself that whatever I do in life, I will always work for the rights of women and girls, to promote happy families and to stand up for human rights. I find the joy of doing this in the YWCA movement as we have a presence in 125 countries and we reach 25 million women and girls. I also enjoy working with the girls and boys in my village in Zimbabwe through the Rozaria Memorial Trust.                                         


6. Question: IrvingS” ¿Cual fue su principal motivaciò para comenzar còn esa labor en pro a las mujeres? //“What was your initial motivation to start working with this issue to help women?” 

Answer: My life experiences and  the world of women and girls around me was my initial motivation. When I lived in countries that experienced wars and conflict, my conviction became even stronger. The other motivation was also this knowledge and inner voice - that each one of us can make a difference by standing up, by raising our voice and simply saying: "Violence is unacceptable!"


7.Question: Melodiedior: esque une femme qui se fait battre par son marie a le droit a la garde esclusive de ses enfants ? //Does a wife who is beaten by her husband have the right to sole custody of her children?      


Answer: The courts decide who has sole custody of children. However, in deciding who should have the custody of the children the courts must always focus on "the best interest of the child". A wife who is being beaten is still a loving mother. It is important for fathers and mothers to know that family or domestic violence affects the children. Its not healthy for children to live in social and family environments there is no love and respect.


8. Question: 123melove ” is it right to sweare?”       

Answer: Wow! I love this question because this is the first time I am getting to be asked directly on my views. I really think that swearing is not good. I know that people swear when something bad suddenly happens, or bad words are thrown at someone. When we swear we are usually verbalising our displeasure, discomfort or negative reaction to that situation. People who swear usually use bad words. I think we should all find ways of understanding that we will come across bad situations,and that swearing does not solve the problem. We should find more positive ways of dealing with our emotions. If your question refers to swearing as a form of violence and whether this is more acceptable - my answer would be no. There are many different forms of violence - those forms which can be seen and other, more invisible forms - such as verbal and mental abuse, which can include swearing.


9. Question: danger.girl1998 ''bu kampanya ne işe yarıyacak ve ben ne yapabilirim?'' = ''What is this campaign good for? What can I do?''

Answer: The 16 Days Campaign is good for all of us as it promotes a world where people, and especially women and girls, can enjoy their human rights and do not experience violence. It is good for raising awareness on the fact that many people in the world still experience violence. It is also a good campaign for practical tips, information and help to people who are currently experiencing violence to take steps to get out of the violent situation. You can do many things: Talk to your friends about the compaign; give information to someone you know who can use it; do a blog; join a group in your community; and/or visit me at Stardoll!!


10. Question: SHICRET  ''Türkiye'de varmı bu dernekler?'' = ''Does those organisations exist in Turkey?''

Answer: yes, we have a number of women's organisations in Turkey working on violence against women. Infact, the former UN Special Rapportuer on Violence Against Women, Yakin Ertuk, is from Turkey. The following link gives you the list of these organisations.

11. Question : loveyangel97 : “Warum werden die Mädels in manchen Ländern geschnitten? Why are the girls in many countries circumcised? “

Answer: Oh, it is great you ask this question. Most girls are circumcised in many countries because of the wrong understanding that circumcision is about culture and religion. Circumcision of girls is a violation of their bodies, and is meant more as a control measure. Many organisations including UNFPA and YWCAs, like in Kenya, are working against this practice.


12. Question : kikotale :” Πώς θα μπορούσε ο καθένας ατομικά να βοηθήσει κάποια γνωστή του που δέχεται βία;//How can each one of us individually help someone we know who is being abused?”

Answer: You bring an important issue of helping victims and survivors of violence. Its important for the person to know that you are there, that you care and that you support them, while also respecting their confidentiality. Providing information on how the person can get support is very important.


13. Question : katers777:” In which country is abuse to women most active?”  


Answer: Women and girls everywhere experience violence and abuse. Some of it is talked about and some of it is not. There is a good media coverage of violence for countries at war. We also know that the rich, the poor, the educated and uneducated - all women in all parts of the world experience violence


14.   Comment: L.M.India: ”Hello, Ms Nyaradsayi thank you for being such an honest and powerful women I am only 11yrs old for certain I know you women will make us women have better lives all around the world!          


Answer: You are a great person too! Thanks for your compliment. Together we are making a difference by our participation in this 16 Days Campaign. Next year we should continue this work, and also every day, so that all women can have better lives! Hugs


15. Comment: Glamour-puss2: “What A Great Cause, Woman should be respected, thank you(:

Answer: Ndinotenda, Asante Sana, thank you for your generous comments. Let's all keep the pace in our shouts for human rights!


16. Comment: Ally_101sikchik: “U an Amazing Inspiration!:) x”       

Answer: You inspire me too by simply visiting this site and by joining the 16 Days Campaign. It is a great initiative!


17. Comment:  RedRochell “ you have done alot for us THANK you..”        


Answer: I am sure you also have done a lot, and together we can do much much more. Lets keep the flame burning for happy lives and happy families!


18. Comment: Ashez1997 ” I really admire your work. on behalf of women everywhere, I want to thank you for staying so strong:]”

Answer:  Your comment, your greeting and your good wishes make me even stronger. Thank you for the compliment. You made me smile in my heart!



