

Writing Exercises

98 maanden geleden

No matter how good writer you think you are, there is always room for improvement. There are various ways to enhance your writing skills, and I will now recommend you 2 writing exercises that work well for me.


This will work best for users who have been writing for a while. If you have some of your articles saved (at least 1 year old), you can try reading one and writing an article on the same topic, but from different point of view, different style. If you have been constantly writing, you will notice how much better your new article is, and you will notice the way you improved. You will acknowledge the mistakes you made and your weak points that have most certainly improved. And of course, learn from them.


If you are following many blogs, find an article you haven't read on the topic that may be interesting to you. Do not read it. Instead, try writing an article on the same topic. Use your own views and opinions, and after you are completely satisfied with your article, read the other one. Compare them, see what you could have done better, or on which points you think your article is better. remember though, everyone's got their own writing style, and don't be too hard on yourself if your article doesn't seem as good as the other. It is important to work on your specific writing style people might recognize.

I recommend using this as exercise only and not publishing those articles. And a bonus advice: Keep writing.



