

Her Cyberbullying Story

108 maanden geleden

Some of us have never really seen someone being cyberbullied, but recently I have seen it unfold before my eyes, and it is highly unpleasant, saddening, maddening, and all other negative feelings you can think of.

There is a girl who goes to my school; I was never really close friends with her, but my best friend is. Let's say the girl's name is Vase and my best friend's name is Window.

Vase used to date a boy named Door. Door is really popular within the high schools in my country. Door's friend, Card, decided to post a picture of Vase and Door and caption it 'Power Couple'. That's when things got ugly.

Door decided to comment on the picture and say that he 'would rather die than be with that ugly beast'. Yes, you read right. That is what he said.

And from then on, he and his friends decided that it was okay to call her names like: Beast, Wilder Beast, Ugly, Orangutan, etc. They did this publically on social media and found nothing wrong with it, even after Vase deleted her account out of humiliation.

Window steps in and tries to stand up for her friend, but these boys are very ignorant, immature and arrogant and they stood behind their idiotic actions. They even threatened Window and came to our school to find her!

This entire occurrence has taught me a major lesson. Cyberbullying is very real and very dangerous. We may not be able to completely bring it to a halt, but we can decrease the number of people it seriously affects. I am sure that Vase is now suffering with self esteem issues, and I really hope that she realises that she is beautiful and destined to do great things.



