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Radhika Balakrishnan Answers 16 Days Questions

143개월 전


We received an overwhelming number of fantastic questions and sent them to the Center for Women's Global Leadership to get help with answers. Economist and Executive Director of CWGL Radhika Balakrishnan answered five questions chosen from the long list:

My friend has been abused by her father, and she hasn’t been saying anything. Her mom is also abused badly. What can I do to help? - Andrea90210

Radhika's answer: We are sorry to hear that your friend and her mother are experiencing violence. No one deserves to be abused. When you hear or witness an instance of abuse taking place, you should talk to an adult you trust, or call the police or a women’s hotline. You can search for hotline numbers, shelters, and similar resources at: You can also support your friend by listening, letting her know that she is not alone, and encouraging her to get help.

Why is 16 days so important? - Alexaolivia248

Radhika's answer: The 16 Days Campaign is an opportunity for people to come together and bring increased attention to gender-based violence. It is a time to express support for those who have experienced violence, and those who are working to end it. And it is also a time to call for our governments and leaders to end gender-based violence in our communities, bring perpetrators to justice, and support survivors. The Campaign also highlights the work that many organizations do year-round, promoting peace and working to end violence 365 days a year.

What are human rights? - brendaasnicart

Radhika's answer: Human rights are rights that all people have, regardless of who they are and where they come from. We are all entitled to enjoy our human rights, no matter what. In 1948, the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( , which describes the 30 rights to which all people are entitled, including freedom and equality, the right to education, the right to equal pay for equal work, and that no one should have to experience violence, torture, or cruel treatment. 

Why do people (men) enforce sexual violence on women? Why does this not stop? leris_158

Radhika's answer: Sexual violence is used to exert power and control over other people. People may use violence as a way to get what they want, and violence is heightened by inequalities and discrimination in society, like sexism and racism. Because of this, violence can be difficult to stop, but we can all help to end it by working to treat all people with equality.

I’m a little girl, but I want to make a difference against violence towards women. How do I get people to help me out? - trina_tori

Radhika's answer: Activists come in all ages, and there are many ways that you can make a difference. You can start by talking to people in your school and community about treating people with respect, fairness, and equality. You can share information about the 16 Days Campaign with your family, friends, schools and community. If you see differences in how girls and boys are treated, for example, you can talk about the ways that they can be treated equally.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to send in a question! To read more about 16 Days and the Center for Women's Global Leadership, click here.



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