

How to combat Bullying w/ ecf97

91개월 전

Hello lovelies,
As part of the #doll4doll campaign, I collaborated with ecf97 for a post. We gave each other three situations and asked the other how they would respond.


Q. "If I see someone in the school hallway being picked on, what should I do?"

A. While going to the rescue of the victim seems to be the most correct option, I would advise you to not do that! Bullies are people who usually work in groups and you will easily be outnumbered. What you should do is call a person of authority immediately to the spot and let them take the required action while you emotionally support the victim.


Q. "I love being on Stardoll, but I get a lot of hate for it from my friends at home. What should I do?"

A. That's sad! You should try to make your friends understand why you love Stardoll. Perhaps, you can encourage them to make an account themselves and give it a try. However, if it turns out that she/he doesn't, tell them that it is your choice and you reserve the right to exercise it.


Q. "Someone keeps bullying me through text messages/online chats by calling me mean words. What should I do?"

A. If this person is on Stardoll, then you should block the person right away and report her/him. If you don't know how to report or block, you can check the help section.


Check out ecf97's post to see her answers to my questions!

Do you think that these answers are apt? Do you have any other solutions to these problems?





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