

Gifts for Friends

100개월 전

Our friends are some of the most precious people in our lives, yet sometimes we just can't think of what to get them for a present! If you have a special event like a friend's birthday coming up and can't decide what to get them, this might be the post for you...

What WOULDN'T they buy?
Instead of buying your friend an old favourite, why not think of something they need, yet wouldn't buy for themself? For example, they might be constantly scared of breaking their phone because they don't have a phone case, but would prefer to buy a fancy coffee every day instead of saving up for one. That's where you come in! This kind of gift is a really thoughtful option that is still practical.

Personalise it!
Why not give your friend something that you have customised specially to them, their favourite things, or your friendship? You could decorate a journal for them if they like to write, or you could customise a bag with their favourite patterns or colours. Not only is this fun for you to do, it can really feel special to recieve a creative gift like this.

If all else fails...
If you've tried and tried, and just can't think of anything, there are plenty of easier options. I find these great to fall back on, especially as gifts for acquaintances or new friendships!
- Gift cards
- Food (Pre made or home made; just make sure to cater to any dietary needs)
- A fun day out, planned by you!

What are some good gift ideas you can think of?

게시물 위치:newsfriendsuser contentgiftstipsenMoosycakes



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