

How I Found Happiness: Part Two

116개월 전

Please read part one first!

I had nobody to turn to, so I turned to myself. How could I make myself happy? I started by exploring my interests. What do I love? I uncovered a strong passion for gymnastics here. I learnt that I had a great talent for writing. Meditation made me glow inside! I understood that happiness was something that would come and go, just like sadness. But how you deal with sadness? Thats the most important part. 

After learning so much about myself, and learning what activities made me happy, I re-connected with my friends. I also left some behind who weren't making a positive impact on my life. It was tough, but neccesary and important. 

So when I feel down now, instead of going to someone and telling them all my problems and expecting them to fix it with a fantastic response, I now have many different options. I can pull out a notebook, and write it all down. I can listen to a playlist. I can go for a walk. I can meditate. 

And this is by far the most important thing I have learnt about myself. My happiness truly comes from within.

Being alone gave me the time to get to know myself, and made me learn it doesn't take someone else to make me smile. I can do that all on my own. ツ

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