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  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Yesterday was a special day for the Twilight trio as they were immortalized on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame, but what made it even more special was the fact that one of Rob's biggest fans got her dying wish granted! The woman, named Rachel was there watching the event together with her caretakers and made a polite request to a news reporter to see if she could get a quick meet-and-greet with the man of her dreams, Robert Pattinson. Said and done, Rob came to meet her and what happened next you can see in the video below...Utterly heart-warming!
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    As you all know, Justin Timberlake gave up singing in the end of 2009 after having gotten a taste for acting. These last few years he has spent some hard work on relaunching himself as an actor and more recently as a rapper in the band FreeSol, but now he has apparently decided to quit everything all together! Justin recently told Esquire magazine that he wants to step out of the spotlight indefinitely so he can in his own words, "travel and be spontaneous."

    Justin said, “I think you can work and work and work and never really live. The plan is to have no plan. I’ll probably travel, but I’d rather be spontaneous. I feel like I’ve earned at least a little bit of time to do that…There were times I was motivated by the fact I wanted to be the biggest music star in the world. Maybe it wasn’t a conscious thought, but it was an underlying theme. I’ve spent a lot of time feeling like I needed to validate so much of who I was by what I did.

    After I turned 30 I started asking myself questions why… The only validation I crave now is to be inspired in the same way I’ve always been. That’s all I really owe myself at this point. If I stopped now, I could look at everything I’ve done and be so proud.”

    Do you support Justin's decision to leave showbiz, or do you think that it's way too soon for him to be retiring? Personally, we would have preferred for his cute face to stick around a little longer!
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Earlier this year Madonna announced that she is recording a new album! We are so excited about this news, it's epic! It was recently announced that the first single will be called, "Give Me All Your Love" and will feature Nicki Minaj and M.I.A. Madonna will perform her new song at the Super Bowl in February, we can hardly wait! (madonnatribe)
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Justin Bieber's Christmas album, Underneath The Mistletoe, drops on November 1 aka next week! But he's already planning his next album before the Christmas one is even released! His newest album, titled "Believe," will be a follow up to "My World" and he's working with some big names like Drake and Kanye West! Justin said, "I'm working with a lot of cool people. I'm working with Kanye. Drake is gonna work on the album with me and a lot of different artists." We are so excited for "Believe," it sounds like a dream, especially for all you Beliebers out there! (perezhilton)
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Remember last year how Lady Gaga and her parents decided to become shareholders in a restaurant and it was a complete bust? Well, since then the restaurant, Vince & Eddie's, closed down but now they've decided to reopen it under a new image!

    Lady Gaga's dad will be in charge of the restaurant and will name it after his late sister, Joanne, who passed away when she was just 19. Lady Gaga never met her aunt but said that she wears a special necklace in her memory and prays to her before each concert.

    Celebrity chef, Art Smith, is said to be the head chef of Joanne, you might recognize him from the TV show, Top Chef Masters! Art also used to be Oprah Winfrey's personal chef! So it sounds like Lady Gaga and her dad will do quite well this time around! Bon Appétit! (contactmusic)
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Remember when Matt Damon and Ben Affleck made the movie, Good Will Hunting and it basically changed their careers forever? Good news! Both Matt and Ben are working on a new movie together and it's going to be epic! The movie is about a New England's most famous gangster, Whitey Bulger, who Matt will play. Ben is directing the movie and will also star, Matt will help to produce, and Ben's younger brother, Casey Affleck, has a supporting role! Ben said, "Matt and I have been looking for something to do together for some time," and we think it sounds like the perfect project for them both! We really can't wait for this movie to happen! (deadline)
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Did you know that Kate Winslet recently carried an elderly woman out of a burning house? Not for a movie, but in real life! During a recent stay at the Carribean home of Richard Branson (whose son she's dating), she was awakened at 4:30 in the morning by screams of "fire!" and she admits to not reacting entirely predictable.

    Kate recalled the incident at The Graham Norton show, "I ran into the bedroom and put on a bra. In disastrous moments like that, you do the strangest things. I started to put on a bra and thought 'No, that’s going to take me too long,' so off came the bra, on came the t-shirt, I grabbed the children and I picked up Granny.We were all at the top of some very slippery stone steps and in the middle of a hurricane – it was so dramatic, there was lashing rain and it really did feel like being in a movie. In truth, I carried Eve Branson down the stairs.I have to say Eve Branson is an extraordinary stoic, powerful lady and she could have totally made it out on her own. I just helped that tiny little bit." We're glad everyone's okay!
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Ok, we know you guys are waiting patiently for the next episode of Glee to air, so we thought we'd give you a present! But if you don't like spoilers than stop reading now!

    After rumors that Chord Overstreet aka Trouty Mouth aka Sam Evans would be leaving Glee for good, we found out that he'll actually be back for the eighth episode! YAY! We loved Chord's character and we were really sad when he left the show to pursue his "music career." We guess that didn't work out so well, but that's ok, Sam is back!

    If you remember, over the summer there was a lot of controversy because Chord decided to leave the show. He wanted to be promoted to a series regular and when that didn't happen he left the show for greener pastures. Well, now he's back and he has the same deal as before: a recurring character. Oh well, we think he made the right decision. The question is: which Glee club will Sam choose? The New Directions or Shelby's new club? (perezhilton)
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    We are so excited that Twilight: Breaking Dawn will hit theaters in less than a month! And it seems like the rest of Hollywood is also extremely excited because the stars of Twilight, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner, have been chosen to be the next celebs immortalized by leaving their hand print and footprints in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre! Joining the ranks of Jennifer Aniston, Johnny Depp, and 250 other stars, the Twilight trio must feel really honored! Congrats Kristen, Rob, and Taylor!
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    We love Ashley Tisdale and we know that you guys do too! So we are excited to announce that Ashley is going to have a new TV show that is somewhat based on her life! The show, titled "Under Construction," will air on ABC and is a comedy about a girl who has to move back home while her father renovates a house that is deemed a "money pit." We can totally see Ash in this role! We're really excited that she's getting her own TV show! (deadline)



