
Ramadan - Facts & Information

147 ヶ月前

I think most of you will have seen lots of new features on Stardoll involving the month of Ramadan but I also think a lot of you will not be entirely sure on what Ramadan actually is so I'm writing today to tell you more about it!

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calander and it is a very important month for Muslims worldwide and is a time of fasting. For those of you who do not know what fasting is, fasting is the act of giving up something important to you to help develop self-discipline, empathy for the less fortunate, and self-control. Fasting lasts from dawn until sunset everyday of Ramadan and during this time most Muslims, except children who are too young to fast, are required to give up eating and drinking as part of their religious celebrations because they believe that fasting will bring them "sawab" which is an Islamic word for the rewards of fasting.

During Ramadan, Muslims often decorate their homes and Islamic towns and cities are often adorned with lights and lanterns making this month more enjoyable, to take pressure away from fasting which can be quite difficult if you're not used to it, and to simply add to the festivities of the month.

Here is a photo of a room in my Beach Villa which I have decorated in an Eastern style to help people get into the spirit of Ramadan regardless of religious values.




