

Royal Recap: Awful news!

55 ヶ月前

It's sad times for us royal lovers.

At this point you might have heard of coronavirus, the virus that has spread all around the world. The virus is so strong that it managed to pop the bubble of fantasy and happiness that royalty is and brought us all to the sad reality. If you're like me - a fervent monarchist and lover of everything royal - you'd be sad too. I sincerely hope we can get through this as best as we can.

The virus proved itself strong when royals all over the world were forced to cancel their schedules amidsts the virus fears.

Over Instagram, the Royal family of Sweden (@Kungahuset) announced the dinner that was to be hosted by King Carl XVI Gustaf at the Royal Palace of Stockholm was cancelled.

The Danish Royal Family also announced on their Instagram account (@detdanskekongehus) that Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II has canceled her 80th birthday celebrations in April and June, and the Crown Princely couple and their children (who were currently studying in Switzerland) were forced to interrupt their classes and went back to Denmark for safety measures. 

I don't think the Spanish royals hold an Instagram account, so I gathered through news sources that The both the King and Queen of Spain were submitted to a coronavirus test, as they were in the presence of an infected minister and even shook hands. I am not gonna lie -- I got really worried about them, becuase they are among my favorite royals and I even had my best friend conforting me saying they would be fine. And she was right. I woke up today to the happy news that their test was negative. Phew! That was close!

The Spanish Royal House announced that both of them would withdraw from outings and canceled all their events for the foreseeable future. They will also be medically supervised to check for the temperature and any symptoms and that might occur. 

The Norwegian Royal family also announced that they went on a voluntary quarantine to be an example (and also because they are on the age group of risk) and they hope everyone is safe. 

And I finally rested when I heard the news that Queen Elizabeth II canceled future engagements and Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall suspended their tours as a precaution. I got really anxious when I saw Her Majesty the Queen shaking hands with Professor Mark Compton in an audience at the Palace. While I'm sure the Queen has extreme safety measures, we never know. She's an elderly woman, she's 93, soon to be 94, that's more than most people live. I'm worried for her nevertheless. She's been my idol and role model for 10 years. I've never admired someone this much and honestly when all this is over I'll be sending her a letter. 

And then the worst for last: Karl Von Habsburg, the man that would be King of Austria Hungary were it a monarchy, is infected with the virus. All prayers on him (and everyone else of course) for a safe recovery. 

I guess now we will have to wait for the virus to be erradicated in order to see our favorite royals back at work again and our little bubble of happiness to be restored again. 

Don't get me wrong. I don't mean to put the royals over everyone else that is suffering from the virus. But I've made it clear that royalty is one of the few things that makes me happy and having that taken away from me of course it's always awful. I am aware of the world's problems. I check news every day (also because that's all we're seeing in news non-stop lately) so it's not that I'm dismissing the real problem. I am sad for everyone of course. I just choose all my life to live in my tiny bubble world of happiness and royalty because the real world is too cruel and sad for me and I hope you guys understand it instead of taking your time to attack me for living in the bubble and not going for the route you might've wanted with this post. I'm not harming anyone while doing so, so please don't harm me.

Just felt that I needed this disclaimer at the end because I'm sure there will be rude comments from anti-monarchists and people just love to attack me for every reason they can find.






