

Queen Of The Earth

61 ヶ月前

She looked over the farmlands, farmers and livestock alike,
The great, vast ocean.
All that make up the Earth.
Enchanting the planet to her commands,
She looks upon them all
And shines,
Shines with all her glory
Sending rays of happiness, warmth, and glow.
Her burning light incomparable to any fire
Lit in the depth of the woods

At dusk, she passes her mantle onto the darkness,
Who leads the night with a small ball of guidance,
And shimmering dots painted across the deep, blue canvas.
Putting people to sleep, their minds at rest.

Until dawn, when she rises again
And reclaims her throne, bringing morning to the world.
The people rise with her and go about their day.
She sends rays of happiness, warmth, and glow
And thus,
The circle of time and life repeats.




