

Accepting Your Flaws

93 ヶ月前

The other day, I tried making my doll look the way I think I look in real life. Here's what I came up with:

Not bad, but something's not quite right. I've realized after looking carefully that this doll doesn't have any real physical flaws. This doll doesn't have my acne-prone skin, my unmanageable hair, or my eyes that are more like sisters than twins.

On Stardoll, it's easy to create a perfect version of yourself; you can change your hairstyle in an instant, put on makeup like an expert, and choose a unique look that's totally you. In real life, though, no matter what you do, you'll always be stuck with some of your physical flaws. If you're like me, and you want to feel confident even with your flaws, try some of the following:

Focus on what you like about yourself, not what you wish you could change. Instead of obsessing about how big your nose is, think about how beautiful your eyes are.

Learn from those who love themselves and aren't afraid to show it. I often find that when I meet someone who is self-assured and happy, I hardly notice that there's anything 'wrong' with their appearance. Try this out for yourself!

Stop thinking that people are judging you, because 99% of the time, they're not! We always think that those around us know our deepest insecurities, when this is actually rarely the case. And if they do give you a hard time, that says more about who they are than who you are.


What do you do to live with your flaws?

Til next time!

Kat ♥

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