
Valentine's Day!

141 ヶ月前

As some of you may know I'm leaving the Starblog in the next couple of weeks so I thought I'd make one of my last posts educational and cultural like the majority of my posts during my time as a Starblogger over the last year to reflect my time here.

Valentine's day is just around the corner on the 14th of February so here is some information about the day!This celebration is a one of love and is originally said to be a Christian tradition in remembrance of Saint Valentine. There were lots of saints named Valentine, so which one it is actually focused on is uncertain but there are many stories surrounding the celebration. One of which is that an old Roman emperor banned Roman soldiers from marriage because he thought single men fought better and love was a distraction, so one St Valentine helped love prevail by secretely conducting weddings for the soldiers. Another story is that another St Valentine was going to be executed so wrote a love letter to his lover and signed it 'From your Valentine' as that was his name, so that is another legend surrounding the origins of Valentine's day. However, there seem to be no recorded connections between any St Valentine and anything sentimental and so all we have are legends spread by word of mouth about this old tradition. As well as celebrating Christian saints on February the 14th, in East Asia women give men chocolates to show their love. Now a days, Valentine's day is more a commercial celebration than anything else and usually, as many of you probably do, people send gifts and cards to their significant others, family & close friends, especially in Latin America where Valentine's Day is known as Día del Amor y la Amistad which means Day of Love and Friendship!




