

My Middle-earth, Part III

142 ヶ月前


"My Middle Earth would have heaps of native NZ trees but they would grow sweet treats and money and would have a lake filled with water that would change flavors depending on what you felt like every time you drink from it.My middle earth would have birds that sing beautiful melodies everyone can hear because it's the only form of music apart from the flute. The people of my middle earth would live in big tree houses and would ride sheep as a form of transport. The hero of my middle earth would be a warrior princess called Bree who lives in a medieval castle far from the local town. The villain would be an ogre named Justin Bieber and his army called the Bliebans. He and his army live in a town called Bliebal. The Powerful one is called Athena of the Earth. She is in control of the whole of my middle earth and she helps Bree fight of Justin so he ends up in a cell called Eternity."

"In my Middle earth i would have many creatures. Fairies are the wildest of creatures and are always up to no good. They live in the spring time forests, along with pixies and unicorns. To the west of the spring time forests are the mountains were the dragons live. Also living in the roots of the mountains live goblins and creatures that are so horrible they have no names. They are called 'The Unnameables.' Over the mountains there is a lake surrounded by swampy marshes. In the lake there lives merfolk and huge lake monsters. and in the swamps there are she-demons and trolls. She-demons are humanoid creatures with sharp teeth and are beautiful except for the rams horns they have. My middle earth is ruled by a humanoid called Grenteth. the lives to the west of the mountains, in a castle. He is evil and cruel. he has creature capturers that capture all the good. peaceful animals of middle earth."

"My middle earth would have mermaids, tiny fairy's and even real life furby's :)
the mermaids would live in a cave under ground that had- blue sparkling water and gems in the walls, the fairy's would live in a giant tree that had- leaves for beds, gems for pillows and a art room to paint the butterfly's wings and the furby's would live under a tree with- snow ( made of glitter ), a stereo for dancing and a closet each filled with winter accessories :)"

"My own Middle Earth would be spooky. As you enter there will be tree branches hanging over your face and scratching in the howling wind. You will hear voices surrounding you... as you take a seat on a mossy log beside a lit campfire you feel a soft tap on your back.. you instantly turn around, and there is a wolf with one eye. He grabs you by his claw and takes you down a staircase into underground. Underground there will be disgusting looking supper placed on a long table with vampire chairs surrounding it. "Care for tea?" the wolf suddenly says. You nod, and you end up eating slimy frog guts, pig brains, cow blood. I don't enjoy my middle earth. I'm going to go to the REAL Middle Earth."

"In a land of flightless birds, not too far from my home town, is a city called Auckland. What people don't know about Auckland is that there is a darkness like no other. Evil lies beneath the city and this evil was about to be exposed.My name is Jaxyazodox, leader of the Doxians. There is eight of us, who live in and around Auckland city. We were sent to earth to look after the humans.. no BACKSPACE THAT. We were sent to earth to fight off nasty evil and to protect the humans and if i die, i will die doing so. It is April the eleventh 2035 and on the sixteenth, is the date the earth is set to be destroyed. Us Doxians are currently preparing to make that acusation never occur. Deep down in the darkness, under Auckland city is the middle earth. There are creatures so powerfull that you couldn't imagine them. These creatures are big and small, all very strong. Some have wings the size of my apartment and so cruel looking you didn't dare look into their eyes. Suddenly the city went black.."



