

Earth Day

151 mesi fa

Earth Day

On earth day we remember to take care of our world. We each have a job as citizens, families, communities, states, countries, and neighbors to take of this earth for further generations. We hear a lot these days about people not taking care of the earth. Pollution to air, land, and sea has all been happening. It’s our job since we live on this earth to take care of it.  We need to help out and keep what we take for granted clean, beautiful, and great. We do not want animals to die, land to get polluted, we do not want to ruin the place we all live on.

Ways to be Green:

1. To keep the air cleaner walk or ride a bike to school or work. Cars are great for speed, but bad for the environment. Exhaust from cars pollutes the air. Millions of people drive their cars to work, just think of how much we pollute the air every single day!

2. Don't use bottled water. Instead use tap water in a reusable cup or bottle. This will save us having millions of plastic bottles in land-fills. We do not want to pollute the earth.

3. Turn off lights when you are leaving a room. Turning off the lights will save energy. Also Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) use less energy and the light lasts longer.

4. Turn off water. Do this while you brush your teeth. This saves water. We do not want to waste water when it’s easy to turn it off.

Try some of these ideas! They are good for the world, animals, and you!

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