

The Archer's Glade

160 mesi fa

As I regain my focus, I gradually pull myself up and take a moment to remember what had happened. As I last recall, I left camp to collect firewood for myself. I remember gazing in awe at the starry blanket, which had been stitched, ever so neatly, to the sky.
By this time I had reached Archer's Glade, a forest teeming with life, but now it was completely deserted, not a creature in sight.

Then I remember seeing a shadow dart swiftly behind a tree trunk, then another. The silhouettes kept coming, too quickly for me to make out what they were, or in fact where they were.

They had vanished, or so I thought, until I sneakily managed to follow one. The creature -which had no idea that I was following it- crept behind some weary looking bullrushes, then swam the length of the lake, catching up with its friends, it bounded over a hill. But I froze here, stopping to enjoy the view, spread out across the landscape was nothing but meadows, however this was not what amazed me, I recognised this place, because of the distinct castle blotting out the rest of the landscape, suddenly it occurred to me...

"Good day, do come in," smiled M. Renard Du Fable, I told him what had happened, and he laughed.

"Oh yes, we were on the quest for The Shooting Star, like I say it's an annual competition that I am, erm we are, determined to win, care to join us?" questioned Renard, I agreed.

So we set off, the next night, in search of The Shooting Star.

Renard handed me a dusty old map, it appeared to be of stars and their positions in the night sky, squinting I managed to make out a small red cross next to the co-ordinates of the star sign Aries, of which was a ram.

"Every year," Renard said "The roman god of the stars, Etruscan, throws a shooting star across the night sky, above Archer's Glade, on the 1st of August each month, or so us locals believes," he clears his throat and continues "and whoever catches or finds the fallen star, will be rewarded good luck for the rest of the year, and ...


