

This super fruit can do it all...

61 mesi fa


What do you give a sick lemon? Lemon-aid.

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Lemons! When life giveth, you better use them for more than just lemonade. This incredible citrus fruit packs a punch of countless benefits. 

If  this post seems out of place, welcome! I'm ADU, and I can pretty much ramble on about anything. From health, science, to culture we love learning, don't we? So, back to lemons! Oh, yes, such a wonderful species made of magic. Science is magical, is it not? Sour Citrus x Limon = Lemons, and this is the ultimate weapon you should have in your arsenal. Here are some facts about what maks lemons so amazing:

1. Fine dining & cooking: From making chicken more tender, enhancing flavor and making your tastebuds happy, lemons are the best companion to any kind of food. They help you consume iron better, and who doesn't love lemonade?

2. Lemons' Acid, Oil, & Vitamin C: From teeth whitening, to getting rid of oily skin, blackheads and removing dark spots. Vitamin C is arguably the best thing lemons offer! Keeps skin clear, and is often used for anti-aging purposes and healing acne. As for your insides, it boosts and helps your immune system, bones, & it soothes and cleanses your entire body. Ask your health care provider what lemons can do for you! Multipurpose: the benefits are endless!

3. Cleaning agents: Use it to clean your kitchen and kitchenware! Combine lemon juice with salt and you have the ultimate multipurpose cleaning supply. 

4. Health benefits: lemons have similar health benefits on the body to that of mangoes. While its important to consume a different range of fruit types, lemons provide antioxidants and flavonoids, both are necessary for metabolic process and help reduce risk stroke, high bloogd pressure, kidney stones and even cancer.

5. The zest's citrus scent keeps the pests away! This may sound weird and gross, but insects like roaches, hate the acidic citrus fruits, and particularly stay away from lemons because roaches find their scent irritating. 

Now you know, if there is one fruit I won't give up, it's lemons! 
Up next, the science behind avocadoes, and why do Americans love them so?
What is your favorite fruit? Share YOUR knowledge and hacks below! 


