Written by AllDolledUp
As pictured, goonies4ver shows us all how some dolls can fly over the cuckoo's nest during MSW season. Sending overwhelming amounts of spam is no fun, and its no fun to recieve it either! During this season, try your best to maintain a cordial relationship with other contestants, don't fight, steal or copy others, don't break the rules and don't encourage others to break the rules.
I want to promote fair play, kindness and sensitivity this season, and hope those of you that read this agree with this statement.
MSW should show us true friendships, and encourage users to play as fair as possible. Be yourselves, and be creative!
To clarify on the MSW fair play rules:
For those of you who may not know, campaign clubs have been banned from actively giving individual campaigns during MSW season, but if you own a personal club its ok to ask for and give votes. Members that break any rules, get disqualified from the MSW competition.Are you running for MSW and who will you be voting for this year?
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