How to Fall to sleep FAST!

146 bulan lalu

Hi Dollies,

Have you ever gone to bed, waited for about 2 hours, and still not asleep? It's happened to me before, but today I have tips that really work. In these tips, there is no need for pills that may harm yourself. This may work for you, or it may not. So I hope these tips help to have a good nights rest!!

1. This is a good old trick, to count sheep. There are all different ways of doing this. You can imagine sheep jumping over a fence, or just count them in your imagination on a field. Or, maybe make up a whole new way!! Its your choice. This trick puts your mind to concentrate on the sheep, not anything else.

2. Here is another fantastic tip. Imagine a big black line in your head. Keep following that black line. This should turn your head to concentrate on one thing, not the bad things in life.

3.  Think of a good song. Keep singing this song in your head. This helps because you are trying to think of the lyrics to this song, so you don't have to think about bad things. 

4. I have said this many times, but don't think of bad things in your life! Focus on the up of life, not the downs. I find this trick easy, because I think about all of the good things in life. 

5. Think of only yourself getting to sleep. So, don't go to bed and say, "Ugh, this is going to be one of those nights where I wont get to sleep." OR thoughts like this; " Oh, I wish I could get to sleep as easy as my Brother/Sister, Mum/Dad. They are so lucky. " This attitude keeps you awake. 

6. My last tip, is to count your five times tables, backwards!! This works, you are concentrating on numbers, and not things that bother you. The higher you count back from, the faster you will get to sleep. 


Thanks for reading. I hope you now can get to sleep faster!! Bye for now!!

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