

Bullying - Think About It

67 bulan lalu

Welcome back!

Bullying is defined as harming, intimidating, or coercing someone who is perceived as vulnerable. In my opinion, this definition is broad, and there is a lot of room for misconception!


-Bullying is not always direct.

When bullying is mentioned, people often think of saying/sending directly hurtful things to a person, or physically assaulting them. If none of these things are happening to you, yet you feel like someone is repeatedly trying to hurt you, your experience with bullying is still valid.


-No matter the circumstance, bullying is never the victim’s fault.

This shouldn’t have to be said, but there are many instances in which the majority of witnesses blame some or all of the bully’s behavior on the victim. This should never be done.


-Bystanders of bullying are a part of the problem.

If you know bullying is occuring near you, and you do not take the time out to stop the bully (without getting hurt), or to tell somebody, consider doing it in the future if it is safe to do so. Try putting yourself in the victim’s shoes.


-Being bullied says a lot about the bully, and nothing about the victim.

There is a stereotype in society that victims of bullying are bookish, nerdy, quiet and meek… the list of what victims are perceived to be goes on forever. However, all types of people, no matter their interests or characteristics, can be bullied, and the same goes for the kinds of people that are capable of bullying.


Take care,

~Jaya x


