


74 bulan lalu

Hey sugar cubes!

I hope you enjoyed part one of the story because here is part two! Enjoy!

Lots of love,


After her long day, Corine went back to the shoe shop. All the boxes were gone so her first reaction was to check if there was any of those beautiful white heels left. The store owner said that he sold every pair he had in stock. "I'm really sorry miss... My next shipment of those shoes is in two weeks. Do you want me to reserve you a pair?" asked the man politely. "Oh thank you but it's okay... I just wanted to try them on. I guess I can come back some other time when you have them in stock," said Corine with a smile but a hint of sadness in her eyes. The man looked down and suddenly his pointer finger was up straight in the air. "Actually, now that I think of it, I might have something you'll like. I didn't put them on the shelves yet. Wait here..."

When the man came back from the storage room, he was holding a gold wooden box. He opened it slowly and took out a pair of pearl heels with blue flower details on the back of the shoes. " Wow... I've... I've never seen a pair of shoes this beautiful before!" said Corine with sparkling eyes. "Thank you! I designed them and I wasn't sure if I was going to put them on the shelves or not. Want to try them on?" ask the man. Corine sat down and tried on the shoes--it was a perfect fit. "They are yours if you want them," said the man with a smile. "I'm totally taking them! How much do they cost?" she asked, "Oh no, no, take them. It's a gift. My way of saying sorry for not having the shoes you wanted and also as a thank you for coming back to visit the shop,” clarified the shop owner. "Oh really? Thank you so much! I can't wait to wear them everywhere I go!"

To Be Continued...


