


89 bulan lalu

Hi dollies!


Today's post is about gifts. Everybody loves a gift, especially when it comes as a surprise.


However, those people who ask for gifts are generally less likely to get a gift, unless somebody is willing to give them one.


The best gifts are the ones that are unique, different, the gifts that someone has put an effort into buying a gift that the person would want.


On stardoll, the most common gift is the 'hi' cupcake. This costs 9sc and I have 18 of them in my storage. They are so common, dolls have put into their presentations to stop being gifted them!


One of the best gifts I have received on stardoll is the red bomber jacket from the latest SNTA. I never asked for it, nor was it on my wishlist. It was a beautiful gift and I will never forget it.


Think about what your gifting, maybe gift them something a little different - even if you don't have much money - search through the suite shop and find something unique!

Starlight x

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