

Success On Stardoll

93 bulan lalu

Hello lovelies!

On my first post,  I saw a comment asking me to write on ways to be successful on Stardoll. I thought a lot about this and finally reached a conclusion.

Success, that too on Stardoll, can mean different things to different people. For example, for some it might mean winning the CoverGirl/Boy Contest while for others it might mean being able to sell their designs like hot cakes! There are a number of things that can be included in this. But, the question is, is this really success?

The answer, according to me at least, is NO; a day of virtual fame is not "success". You might be thinking that I have lost it! But, honestly tell me do you really care about the number of trophies or achievements a random doll you visit has? Do you bother reading the presentation to know how many times did he/she achieve something? No, I am not saying that you shouldn't brag about your achievements by writing them in your presentation, I have that written in mine too! What I am trying to covey is that this is not a mark of success, this is not IT!

We are here on Stardoll to have fun, to be ourselves! Succeeding in something would mean that you have accomplished everything and there is nothing left to do any more. Imagine how boring it would become if you are here for that reason. Stick to the Stardoll tagline "fame, fashion and friends" and remember fame isn't about success.

Do share your thoughts in the comments.


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