

The Name Game

109 bulan lalu

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

Lost dogs

Two cute little mutts were running on the street dragging their leashes. They were easy to catch, but no owner was nearby, and they did not have tags. I took them into my yard, made posters and put them up all around the neighborhood. That night the owner called. He had recently moved and his new roommates did not like his dogs. One of his roommates let them out on the street. The owner could not take them back, so I have them here until I find them a good home.

It is sad that some people get dogs and do not take care of them. These pups have never seen a vet. They needed to be trained. So far they have learned to sit, use the doggie door and catch treats.

Both are small with scruffy faces and huge dark eyes. Daisy is tan and looks like a mix between Yorkshire Terrier and Maltese. Her sister is white and seems to be Maltese and Chihuahua. Her name is Gumby.

New name = new home

A rescue organization has offered to post the dogs online for me. It is very important that their listing be appealing. The dog's name and a tiny photo will be the only thing people see when they search. I think Daisy is fine, but IMO Gumby would do better with a new name.

Gumby is about 4 years old. She weighs 9 pounds and wears a fuzzy white coat. She has long legs and a deer-shaped head. Her pointy ears flop over like the dog nearest to me in the illustration. Her tail is long and curls over her back.

How you can help:

In the comments section or in my guestbook please post suggestions for a new name for Gumby. Thanks.

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