

How To Look like: Elsa from FROZEN!

121 bulan lalu

Hi dollies! Icon

I'm sorry about not posting for a while, school has really been hectic for me but I'm back and trying to post a lot more so let's just get started. :)


1. Facial features! You can obviously change it up if you like! :)


2. Makeup and accessories! Elsa does actualy have freckles, but it is light compared to Anna! 

For the eyes, I used a magenta colour and then I went over it in a sparkly Luxe peach colour! I also used mascara on the top lashes, and white and blue eyeliner to make the eyes look bigger.

For the cheeks, I used a chestnut colour and tried to make it darker in the centre and then went over it in a peach coloured blush.

For the lips, I used a sparkly Luxe pink lipstick and then went over the upper lip with a darker pink lipgloss.

And for the accessories I used snowflakes and put them in the hair, in different sizes.


3. If you'd like to add more details, get a natural toned all-over stick to add additonal shadows and details, but what I think is really important is geting a pink/red all-over stick in the centre of the nose to give the effect of cold weather. It also really compliments to blush and really finishes the look to me. :)

And you're finished!

I hope you have fun getting in to the winter spirit with this Elsa look! 

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