

How To: Get Your Homework Done

146 hónappal ezelőtt

School has started.. and a majority of us are overwhelmed with assignments due the next day! Not only does this cut out the time we spend on Stardoll.. but also the time we can sit back and relax! From experience, check out these tips I have for balancing a healthy homework schedule.

*Stay after school

You’ll be amazed to see how much of a difference 20 minutes in a quiet classroom makes compared to 20 minutes at home. Most teachers stay after school to help struggling students. Use that chance to stop by and get a head start on your work.

*Turn your phone off

Distracts prevent us from finishing our homework! Turn your phone/computer off so you don’t have any distractions around you.

*Work alone

While some may argue working in groups helps you finish your work better, most of us are social with our partners. If you’re tight on time.. working only on one piece of homework alone works best.

Good luck & hoping all A’s come your way!


pic credit www.stardoll.com


