

Five Questions for Callie.Stardoll

153 hónappal ezelőtt

Callie Answers Your Questions

Happy March, Stardollies!

The sun has been shining, the air is fresher...I feel spring around the corner! It's a brand new month filled with lots of spring time possibilities, and because of that, I'm going to start up a new feature!

Each Friday in the month of March, I'll collect and answer five selected questions from the Stardoll members and post them on the Starblog.

So if you want your question considered for this weekly post in March, following closely these guidelines:

1. Use the Contact Us form and be sure to specify the Magazine category, otherwise I won't get the question! Questions posted in the Comment box won't be considered. :(

2. Start the question with the words:  My question for Callie

3. The question should be a question (and not really an observation or comment), but it can be about anything!

4. The question must be in English.

I'll collect them throughout the week, choose five and post on Friday.

Have fun! :)

