

Five Things We Learned About Kate

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Photo: Getty Images

In case you forgot, there’s another British Kate getting married this summer, except her wedding probably won’t be on TV and we’re not expecting to see the Queen Mother share the dance floor with any commoners. Regardless, it’s an exciting time for the world’s most famous supermodel, and it shows. Kate, giver of only the rarest of interviews, bestowed twenty minutes on the Telegraph from the Ritz in Paris this week, and here’s what we can all add to our teeny tiny fact bank on Miss Moss:

1. Apparently, not only does Kate Moss love jam, but she makes it herself.

2. She’s about to do a commercial for Mango with Terry Richardson.

3. Kate considers herself “normal” and even watched the royal wedding in the country with friends who were crying (and for the record, she thinks the other Kate looked “chic and seamless“).

4. She “just missed” being in the 1990 George Michael music video for Freedom, which did feature Christy, Cindy, Naomi and Linda, among others.

5. As for maybe having a title one day, she’d “quite like” to be Lady Kate, if given the option.
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