How to Take the Critics?

62 hónappal ezelőtt

In the world we live in, we often times expect perfection. While it's okay to want everything to be exactly in order, mistakes are going to happen. When they do occur, critics pounce. 

Here's an example; StarBloggers are human beings. Sometimes we mess up and leave out some information, either on purpose, or by mistake, or, in some cases, Stardoll staff edits it out last minute. When this happens, some players leave helpful, friendly edits in the comments, to try to improve the quality of the piece. Other readers leave harmful, spiteful comments, with (or without) the intent to cause chaos. 

Even when situations like the one described above occur, we have to carry on. Here's my personal 3-step-plan on how to do just that. 

-Don't ball up your feelings, let it out. If you need to rant, rant. Make sure you're being respectful, but let it out so that you won't have to hold the hurt in. Finding some sort of outlet can be extremely beneficial. Some people talk it out, other people let out their artistic side, while others let the aggression out, maybe with some karate or time at the gym. That being said, letting your feelings out will only go so far. Learn to let it out, then let it go.

-Shrug it off. That's really hard to do. Infact, my friend AllDolledUp has caught me many times frustrated over something that someone said to me. But nonetheless, if it was a spiteful comment, a conversation gone sour, a poor rating, or whatever else, let it go. You'll feel a lot better once you do.

-Learn from the critiques, and grow. While at the time mistakes might make you feel terrible, and the feedback could be even worse, you'll still develop into a more well rounded and wholesome person. How would we ever learn if we didn't first fail?


