

Cancer with Mystica0837 - Part Three

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Today we will finish our beautiful interview with Mystica0837 on the disease she has- cancer.

What do you want to say to all cancer patients who are struggling with the fight? 

Listen to your doctors, they know the answer. There is always hope, even if you don't think it is there. Of course you can feel sad and angry, but try to focus on the battle. The more you are in it to fight the faster it goes. Ask for help and support from your family and friends. They are the ones that love you and want you to get better.
I know it's hard, it really is. The chemo is horrible, I can't make it sound nice. But you can make it easier for yourself. Take your laptop with you, and watch a movie while you're having chemo. When you feel sick again, let your family or loved ones take care of you. Let them spoil you a bit. You deserve it, because you fight for your life, and you are the only one who can do that. On the days you don't have chemo, do something complete different, something you like to do and that makes you happy. You might get tired faster, but the fun activity makes it worth it.

What mark do you want to leave on the world? 

I want to make people more aware of cancer. Everyone can get it. It doesn't matter if you eat healthy, if you smoke or not. People can live healthy and still get cancer, and other people who have fast food and smoke a lot don't get it. There is no logic in this. If you know someone who has cancer, please just do this: show love and support. People who have cancer are very insecure about everything. To get a helping hand and some love and support from their loved ones helps.

I wish people would stop using the word cancer to bully and hurt people. It's not funny to curse with this disease, and you can't see it as a joke. Especially not for the ones who actually have this horrible disease or know someone who have it.

In my country, they are working for a vaccine to cure cancer. It will be too late for me, but I hope one day it will be cured, so people can just get the vaccine and never get cancer again. That would be great! In the meantime, love, respect and cherish everyone, accept people who are different than you and don't bully people who have cancer. If I can stop people from bullying cancer patients before I die, or give people more awareness about how hurtful it is to be so cruel to people who have cancer, I can say goodbye to this earth in a peaceful way.

Please treat Mystica0837 kindly and give her your best. She deserves it and I hope we can all surround her with love and comfort.




