

Personality Profile: INTP

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“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.”


INTPs are very rare, making up a mere 3.3% of the U.S. population. They are described as an “internal architect that is constantly building a framework with which to hold their ideas, theories and truths.” This is a result of their dominant function, introverted thinking (Ti), meaning INTPs are always looking for the most precise way to organize all the information they collect in their minds.


When decision making, they don’t tend to follow social norms, rather reaching conclusions based on what is accurate and logical. INTPs may struggle with insensitivity, being over-critical, getting so caught up with analysis they accidentally steamroll over someone’s emotions, appearing condescending to others.


They can appear to be big procrastinators, lazy to outsiders. However, this is false; the reason for this stems for their Ti: they check and double check themselves before committing to a decision and focus their energy into their minds rather than their surroundings.


INTPs have countless strengths, including the ability to be open-minded. They are always open to new ideas and logical arguments, and aren’t afraid to change perspectives if they are proven wrong. They are also independent, determined to prove their self-sufficiency, and very creative, drawn to unexplored ideas.


Furthermore, an INTP never backs down from a problem. They are very good at seeing logical solutions to complex dilemmas, and possess the ability to think outside the box. They have the uncanny ability to analyze and construct abstract connections, deep thinkers who can take the time to construct solutions to tricky problems.


INTPs: Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, xXKawaiiKat, catrinas 


