


126 hónappal ezelőtt

Hi dollies! I decided to do a follow-up on a previous post; "You Are Beautiful!"

Please, dollies; never feel you're worthless, because you're not.

It makes me upset, to even think that there are people out there harming themselves or even taking their own life, because they think they're not good enough or worth enough to other people.

I've known people to suffer like this, from bullying or from some person on the internet trying to be cooler, or more popular. 

If you are feeling like there's no one there for you, please talk to someone. It could be a friend, parent or an adult you trust. I don't want to see anyone hurt, physically or emotionally.

No one will ever have the right to come up to you and say that you're worthless, and neither do you. 

Feeling worthless can make you feel empty and unwanted, but cry it out if you need to. It's okay, and most people tend to feel relief from that.

Don't ever change how you look, your personality or how you act for someone who had a bad day and decided to pick on you. 

You are perfect, and unique in every way. Never forget that.

And finally, to everyone; please think about what you say to other people, particularly over the internet, because you don't know what someone's situation is, so before you type in the words 'you're ugly', or 'what's wrong with you', please stop and think.


