Today I was looking around Stardoll page's and saw so many creative medolls. But I chose 3 unique and amazing dolls that made my eyes twinkle - And they are on this post, right here. I didn't randomly choose, I knew these three had talent for fashion and creativity. Well done to you three. ;)
- The MSW semi-Finals are still here, and there are lots and lots of people who are in there. First, I would like to congratulate all of the semi-finalists for getting this far in this amazing competition. They're 1 step closer to becoming MSW.I also would like to say bad luck for all of the dollies that spent hundreds of Stardollars to broadcast to vote them for MSW. Bad luck.
I'm sure you've all heard One Direction new single Live While We're Young! The music video has only been uploaded for two days on youtube and it already has over 10 million views!
- A fellow Starblogger Clarapop recently wrote a post about how to be yourself, she included lots of good information on how to do this but for all of these you need self confidence so to help all of you who're trying to be themselves but need the confidence to do this, I'm going to dedicate this blog post to trying to help you all.
- When was the last time you cleaned your makeup brushes? Did you know that makeup brushes accumulate bacteria over time, if they are not cleaned regularly?
Zdravo djevojke! Poslije malo duže pauze odlučila sam postaviti post na StarBlog. :]
Počela je škola i želim čuti Vaše utiske, komentare... Ja sam krenula u osmi razred i za sada mi ne djeluje toliko teško... Ali, kada sam bila 5. razredu, sve mi je bilo novo i teško... Svejedno, uspijela sam se uklopiti... Sada sam malo i tužna zbog toga što nam je ovo posljednja godina i uskoro se rastajemo... kako je kod Vas, kakvi su Vaši utisci?
- Upravo sam dobila poruku kako ću dobiti 500 Stardolara i besplatni namještaj. Dobro znam kako je to nemoguće i nije prvi put kako mi to netko "nudi". Naime, prijetili su mi i policijom i pravili se kako su Stardoll osoblje, ali ovaj put sam se odlučila malo poigrati.
Probably the most talked about couple in Bollywood - Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan. Both super successful actors and well established in the film business.
Cupid's arrow may well have hit it's target as the two are getting married. Question is, where will it take place? When? And will it be a traditional Hindu or Muslim wedding?