- Remember how last time it was 'The true definition to friendship'? Well, in this post it'll be about the 'True definition to beauty'! NEVER should you look in the mirror and think negatively about how your not beautiful. Everyone is beautiful!
With Halloween just around the corner I decided to show your guys some tips on some halloween looks!
I desided to design my make up to look as scary and gothic as possible to match my halloween costume.
This Halloween I wanted to go out tricle treating as an Angel of Darkness, from Wizards of Waverly Place.
In a previous post of mine, I said I'd be going around and featuring numerous dollies that show support for BCA (Breast Cancer Awareness) and would feature them for doing so. Here's one of many posts featuring a small handful of what I've seen.
- Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving is a tradition celebrated in the USA and Canada. It is usually celebrated each year on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States.
Kažu kako mladi razumiju mlade bolje nego odrasli. Što ako nemamo nikoga tko bi nam rekao što bismo trebali učiniti kada mi to sami ne znamo? Što ako se ne možemo povjeriti svojim roditeljima, a prijateljima ne vjerujemo? Pa, evo nekih situacija kada zbilja trebamo pomoć...
Prisjetimo se malo prošle objave i pročitajte najbolje odgovore. :)
Kao što naslov kaže, u ovom postu bi htjela obratiti pozornost na album i njegovo uređenje. Mnogi ne vide potencijal albuma, koji je golem. On ne mora nužno biti knjiga posloženih lutkica... možete biti i puno inovativniji. :)
- At the minute it is October and winter is about to come very soon (summer if you live in the southern hemisphere) which means that some of the biggest festivals are about to begin very soon. The main festivals lots of people tend to think of during winter are things like Christmas and Thanksgiving but there are many more that lots of people have never heard of so i’m going to give a brief little list & description of a few of the festivals during winter!
Today, after speaking to previous National Covergirl Hollyoaksrocks* I thought I would share my interview of her success back in July when she won this title for GB, heres what she said:
The first question I asked how did you feel when you first logged in and saw that your medoll had won National Covergirl?
Here I will be posting about the benefits of being a Superstar. Why you should upgrade to being a Superstar (or even better, royalty!) The results are listed down here.
My thoughts are that being a Superstar makes Stardoll a funner place for you. You can do so much more things than being a non-superstar. Like for example...