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Fashion Rocks Stockholm - the winner's story!

Prije 185 mjeseca

Pulse at 180, inexplicable perspiration and 14 triumph laps round the the living room.

There you have it.

My reaction to the world’s best contest prize, beautifully delivered by phone from Stardoll.

It all began with me sitting around one evening, no plans, just surfing around Stardoll and stumbled across a contest they had organized.  Usually I don’t enter anything like that.  There’s no real chance you’re going to win. But this time I did do it and Thursday night at seven pm I’m sitting at Bistro berns drinking a Latte with the Stardoll Crew.


My  Press pass is handed over, a digital camera is generously loaned and the prize is explained.  

The Berns Balcony looks more than scary enough, packed with people, cameras with long lenses and loads clothes in designer labels I don’t even recognize.

But the closer we get to the entrance the more I want to go in, and in , and in again.

All my nervousness just vanishes.

Honestly, who of us doesn’t harbor some form of secret dream to get to be a part of the ‘real’ fashion world? 

The Balcony was exactly as it appeared, crowded, hot and noisy.  In the beginning I was fascinated by the whole thing that I wandered around like a little kid fascinated staring big-eyed at all the people.  I got so distracted I forget that I was supposed to be photographing and D. (from Stardoll)  had to remind me.  I didn’t take super many pictures at the reception.  Sweden is the country of lagom (just enough and no more) and this was no different.  There is one incredibly sweet little photograph of an outfit that is straight from Alice in Wonderland.  

Love at first sight.

Eight oclock we are let into the Salon.  I’ve never had the opportunity to visit Berns before so the Salon literally took my breath away.  Incredibly beautiful and illuminated in a totally magical fashion for the evening.

The show started with a bang with a performance by Lydia Lunch - let me tell you her records are going to find a home in my collection soon.

Then we were off and running with one wonderful musical performance and matching fashion show after another .

Lydia Hearst tripped out on to the stage in a whole series of party frocks between the designers.

I had some favorites that evening, absolutely.


Sonjago’s performance with the creations of Nikolaj d'Etoiles was the definite favorite for menswear.  Very Twilightish.

 Other highpoints  were the Harlem James Gang dance number and Richard Lidkvists show (with music by Florence Valentin)  the models had deer antlers!

But my dress showed up during Ivana Helsinki’s show accompanied by Veronica Maggio.  Wonderfully geekish, with a personality , just like me, if you can even describe a dress in that way.  I love it anyway, I hope you like it too.


(Please note that the two Fashion Rocks inspired dresses were available in the Red Carpet Store in Starplaza on Sat and Sunday, June 27-28 ONLY)

You can see the dresses in our winner Tieeree's Suite -- give her a visit (click here)


Finally I want to thank Stardoll for the chance to go along with them, I sometimes find myself sitting with a silly smile on my lips.  Easily one of the best nights of my life.

A special Thanks to D., M and C who kept me company the whole night.  I would have been way less fun without your support  to atotally inexperienced  Stardoll-er.  Thanks so very much.


