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Practicing Self-Love!

Prije 82 mjeseca

Hello Dolls!

After my last post was published, I went through your comments and saw that most of you think that loving yourself is very hard in the society of these days. I share the same opinion as you.

Self-love takes weeks, months, maybe years of practice. It's never easy to learn to accept your flaws and your wrong-doings. But I've learned that nothing is impossible, neither having an amount of love and acceptance for yourself. It might be a long process, with ups and downs, but it is possible.

I have decided to create a challange! Each week I'll post a blog post with the tasks you have to do throughout the week and hopefully in the end of this challange we will all have learnt something new about ourself and have started loving ourself a little bit more.

For this week:

- Remember to drink the right about of water everyday! It is very important to be hydrated especially since in the Northern Hemisphere, Summer is here.

- When you wake up, think of something you look forward to do that day. It can be as simple as:" I'm going to meet my friends!" or "I'm going to wear the new shirt I love."

- Avoid debates. If you have a different opinion than someone else, explain to them why  you think that way.

- Don't bring anybody down. Don't like the new student? No need to say anything about him.

- Everyday find something new you love about yourself. It can be personality-wise and appearance-wise as well.

I would love to see your daily/weekly updates, so please let me know how is the challange going, either via private message or down in the comments.

Never give up on yourself!

xo, lia.


