Stardoll Admin
- Maria-0077's latest collection is a Moschino tribute which is fun and fresh with lots of colors and cute details!
Stardoll Admin
- German stardoll popgirl321 got in touch to share his favorite Moschino pieces, as he is a bit of a collector here on Stardoll. We love the selection, and the combination of colors!
- 本季時尚服飾-黑白經典的未來試圖構建一組融時尚感及建筑線條感於一體的時尚風格-- 尋覓永恆,完美四季。本季系列的設計靈感來自於Michael Kors和Moschino等設計師,同時集粹了許多前期的時尚元素:連身裙,修身的長款窄裙以及純色設計。
--cause Fash is my Pash Izzy Stardoll