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Stardoll interviews Radhika Balakrishnan & Julie Salthouse



As a part of our ongoing support of the 16 Days campaign, we asked our Stardoll members to submit questions to Radhika Balakrishnan and Julie Salthouse of the Center for Women's Global Leadership.  Here are their replies.

montazie from the United States asked: Do you think boys should stop talking about us being weak?

Radhika and Julie: People talk about women and girls as being weak in order to exert power and control over them. We need to challenge ideas that put more value on certain traits and beliefs about what it means to be a girl, woman, boy, or man. Girls and women are strong, courageous, smart, and creative, like everyone else.

hellobunny2355 from France asked: Is it sometimes hard to work with the job you have?
oliwiaa13 from Poland asked: Is your work difficult?

Radhika and Julie: The Center for Women’s Global Leadership works to promote human rights and social justice worldwide. Sometimes this work can be challenging, because we are trying to change behavior. But often, the work is inspiring because we work with courageous people for what we believe. We believe in a world where all people are equal and there is peace in the world.

been roxy-silia from Greece asked: How can we help women who are victims of violence?
peachwoman from France asked: Why do you think that women are more vulnerable to violence than men?

Radhika and Julie: We can help women who are survivors of violence by providing them with the type of support they need, such as emotional, healthcare, police protection, and legal. If you know someone who has experienced violence, the most important thing you can do is listen to them and let them know they are not alone. Tell them that no one deserves to be threatened or harmed. Encourage them to get help or help them to contact a person they respect, the police, or an organization that works with women and/or children.

geenibenny from Germany asked: May your parents hit you?

Radhika and Julie: No. Using violence as a form of punishment is not acceptable in any situation, including in the home. However, we know that some parents use physical punishment. If you know someone who is being hit by a parent, encourage them to tell an adult they trust.

asnub00636 Australia asked: Why can’t we all live in peace?
agnieszka24534 from Poland asked: How can I support the 16 Days Campaign?

Radhika and Julie: Many people work for peace. People like Mahatma Gandhi, Dag Hammarskjöld, Dr. Martin Luther King, Dr. Wangari Maathai, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Mary Robinson, and Aung San Suu Kyi have all challenged us to recognize the humanity in each other, to see our similarities and to appreciate our differences. They have also worked in very concrete ways to make their communities safe for all.
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