

Checking On Yourself


Wow, it's been forever since I've written a post. I thought an appropriate topic for my first blog entry in months would be self-care.

I feel like sometimes, we get caught up in life and are always putting ourselves last. We are so worried about helping others that we forget about the most important person in our life- ourselves. We begin to neglect certain things in our lives and before you know it, you feel like you're slipping.

How can we prevent this? Check on yourself periodically! Create reminders for yourself, take some alone time every now and again to tend to your own needs. Tend to your duties of course- homework, chores, etc. But when those are done, relax! Apply a face mask, cook yourself a nutritious meal with care, sit in the sunlight. Do whatever you can to stay present and to realize you are worth the extra time and effort. Know that nobody could ever replace you. You're on this earth for a reason. And you are loved. Don't forget your worth. 

-H, xo 




